The elderly French actor Alain Delon, who passed away at the age of 88 last Sunday, had only one final wish😲 However, his children refused to carry out their star father’s last request😥
It’s been a week since he passed away. While fans and loved ones mourn and remember his best roles, information has surfaced online that the actor’s final wish will remain unfulfilled.
When Delon was still alive, he asked his family to bury his beloved pet with him. However, after the funeral, it was revealed that his heirs refused to euthanize the poor animal due to humanitarian concerns, as animal rights activists raised a significant outcry.
“I just spoke with his daughter, and she confirmed that Luo is part of the family and will be kept. He will not be euthanized,” explained close associates.
Earlier that day, a foundation announced on social media that the dog would be saved, but later deleted these posts, causing some confusion.
During his life, the actor loved animals deeply and buried many of them in their family cemetery. It was revealed that the actor himself was also buried in that very place.
Because of his immense love and attachment to animals, the actor wanted his beloved pet to keep him company in the afterlife.
“She’s my favorite dog, and I want us to always be together… I love her like my own child,” the star once said. “I’ve had many dogs, but I love her the most. She misses me when I’m not home.”
What do you think about this? Should his heirs have fulfilled such a wish?