Biologically she is my daughter, but I am not her mother”: After years of waiting, the couple had a baby

The friend of the woman didn’t remain indifferent and offered her help to the couple.

Steve and Chelsea Jude had their first child after several years of suffering. They had been trying to conceive for eleven years.

Biologically she is my daughter, but I am not her mother": After years of waiting, the couple had a baby

However, fate intervened in their lives, thanks to a friend. After seven years of unsuccessful attempts at conception, they turned to an in vitro fertilization center.

Already during the first treatment, doctors noticed that Chelsea’s eggs were not of good quality and suggested resorting to an external donor.

The woman’s friend, Tia Stokes, a mother of several children, did not remain indifferent and made the decision to help this couple.

She had known Chelsea since 2012 at a dance school. During that time, Chelsea had been trying to have a child for over a year.

Tia was aware of the difficulties her friend was facing. In agreement with her husband, she chose to donate her eggs.

Biologically she is my daughter, but I am not her mother": After years of waiting, the couple had a baby

In the summer of 2015, two embryos composed of Tia’s eggs and Steve’s sperm were implanted in the young woman’s uterus.

In May 2016, Chelsea gave birth to her daughter Gisel. Tia was struck by the birth of a daughter since the woman already had three sons.

“Biologically, Gisel is my daughter, she is wonderful, but I am not her mother, it’s always Chelsea,” explained the American.

Chelsea manages an Instagram account where she tells her life as a mom, shares amusing episodes from Gisel’s life, and posts family photos.

“We love Gisel with all our hearts. She is completely ours,” recently wrote the American on her account.

The child is growing up happy and loves spending time with her step-siblings, Tia’s children. Interestingly, it’s noted that a year after Gisel’s birth, the Stokes also had a daughter.

The Judd and Stokes families are still friends and try to meet periodically.

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Biologically she is my daughter, but I am not her mother”: After years of waiting, the couple had a baby
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