A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself

An ordinary schoolboy, instead of wasting time on games, decided to acquire a profession at the age of 10. The boy helped his father at a construction site and quickly learned almost all the skills of a mason: in the video he independently lays a concrete path, checking its dimensions and setting the level.

A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself

Most often, such videos cause some criticism on the Internet – many are unhappy with the fact that children are engaged in labor at such a young age. However, this video received an extremely positive reaction. People appreciated the student’s abilities.

A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself

The teenager actually works almost at a professional level. He himself made a screed for a concrete path about 70 meters long. In addition, the path curves, which adds complexity.

A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself

Then the student carefully set the level along the entire length. Moreover, the boy is already working quite consciously – it seems that this is not his first task.

A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself

By age 20, he will have 10 years of work experience. The boy will definitely not be lost on the labor market,” viewers noted.

There were also critical comments under the video. Some felt that at this age it was better for children to play than to work.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

A 10-year-old schoolboy became a mason and already at that age lays a concrete path himself
Elle a donné naissance à 4 paires de jumeaux, tous des garçons, mais il désirait vraiment avoir une fille Ensuite, il a appris que dans la pièce voisine