Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and elegance of 94-year-old model Daphne Self

It’s hard to believe that there is a model in the world who can compete with younger women at the age of 94.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and taste of 94-year-old model Daphne Self.

But it’s true. The name of this beautiful lady is Daphne Self.

She was born on July 1, 1928. The model is not going to retire.

She regularly participates in fashion shows, poses for magazine covers, and represents the most popular brands in the world.

Not every model can boast of such success.

Daphne has never used the services of a plastic surgeon. She considers such procedures unnecessary.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and elegance of 94-year-old model Daphne Self

Nature has given her beautiful features. To maintain her figure, the model eats right and practices yoga. Daphne also walks a lot and spends time in the garden growing flowers.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and taste of the 94-year-old model Daphne Self.

Daphne is a grandmother of four grandchildren. She is not ashamed of her age and does not try to look younger.

One of the main advantages of the model is her luxurious gray hair.

The supermodel is an optimist at heart. Fashion business gurus say that working with Daphne is a pleasure.

She is charming, pleasant in conversation, and also has a sharp mind.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and elegance of 94-year-old model Daphne Self

Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and taste of the 94-year-old model Daphne Self.

Daphne started modeling at the age of twenty. She was photographed for Vogue, Vanity Fair, and other fashion magazines.

The woman shares her memories that this time was the best for the modeling business. All outfits were very cute and mostly modest.

In the early 21st century, Daphne made a breakthrough in the fashion industry and became the face of a new fashion style.

Daphne claims that a sense of style comes with age. True beauty is energy, grace, a sweet smile, radiant eyes, and a positive attitude.

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Everyone is overwhelmed by the natural beauty and elegance of 94-year-old model Daphne Self
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