“In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let’s see what happened.”

In the morning, Björn Wall was washing his car in his garage.

During the work, he unexpectedly noticed that things were not as they should have been.

He felt dizzy and numb on the entire right side of his body. He stopped working and went back home.

“When you enter the house from the garage, you have to pass through the laundry room. And I didn’t get any further than that.

"In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let's see what happened."

I was lying on the floor in the laundry room,” the man said. He was paralyzed on the right side of his body.

In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let’s see what happened.

His phone was not with him, and he couldn’t ask for help. Fortunately, the family had a little dog named Gibson.

And when Gibson saw the man lying on the floor, he understood that something was wrong.

Gibson began to run through the house and bark loudly. On the second floor, Björn’s 19-year-old daughter, Emilie, was sleeping.

She woke up to the loud barking and came downstairs to see what was causing Gibson to bark so loudly.

In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let’s see what happened.

Then she found the dog running nervously, still barking. The dog headed for the laundry room.

It was obvious he wanted to show something to Emilie.

"In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let's see what happened."

She followed him and saw her father lying on the floor.

“I was completely shocked. Dad was awake but didn’t respond when I talked to him,” she told the media.

She immediately called emergency services, and after 20 minutes, the ambulance was outside.

In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let’s see what happened.

Björn was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a stroke.

The situation was critical.

And he probably wouldn’t have survived if he had remained on the floor much longer.

Three months later, in the hospital room, he was allowed to go home.

He is still on sick leave and can move his right arm, but his life is saved.

And it’s all thanks to Gibson.

“The truth is that Gibson found me on the floor and started barking, he saved my life,” he said.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

“In an unfortunate moment, the dog saved his owner: let’s see what happened.”
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