The dog, a Cane Corso named Drax, loved his little human friend. When the family adopted him, the puppy was just two months old.
When the owner became pregnant and her belly began to grow, the dog loved spending time with his human mother.
When the woman gave birth to her son, Drax would sit and watch the baby. Over time, the dog became the little boy’s best friend.
He loved observing every movement of the child. When the parents tried to teach the child to roll over, the smart dog turned over to show the child how to do it.
They became inseparable very quickly. By the time the child was one year old, the dog had reached his adult size and already weighed nearly 57 kilograms.
The child learned to walk early, thanks to his four-legged friend, because he wanted to follow him everywhere. Despite Drax being a giant dog, he always considered himself a little puppy.
On his birthday, the boy received a ball pit, and both loved playing with the balls.
The boy would fill his dog friend’s mouth with plastic balls, some of which would get ruined. When the family visited the park, Drax went wild.
He loved sliding and running through tunnels, as the park seemed to be made for him.
When Christmas came, Santa Claus visited the child and the dog with Mrs. Claus.
The friends were very happy to meet the couple, but Drax was even more joyful than the child. The child’s mother realized that a young one could learn a lot from dogs.”