The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort

The forester who built his own Hobbit house said he has never seen “The Lord of the Rings,” but even though he is almost 90 years old, he lives almost offline.

He doesn’t have a mobile phone, doesn’t use the internet, and, due to his age, no longer drives a car, but he enjoys going out and meeting people.

The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort.

“I haven’t seen ‘The Lord of the Rings,'” said Grant, who worked as a carpenter and joiner for decades.

The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort

“It’s just a coincidence that my front door is pretty much the same shape and wood.”

The old house had walls but no doors, window frames but no windows, and no roof. Outside, the only neighbors were cows, chickens, and a donkey.

He described building everything by hand, working in “slow motion,” and living in a barn next to the cottage.

The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort.

The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort

“I’ve always loved the picturesque places, beautiful houses, and thatched cottages in England,” Grant said.

“I used to harvest wood from fallen trees and collect stones from the river for the masonry. I put up a ladder. It took a few years, I never counted. I just really enjoyed doing it—I got such a buzz from it.”

The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort.

“It’s great fun to do something interesting. I’ll be less than two weeks shy of 90, but I feel like a teenager,” he added.

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The 90-year-old lumberjack built his own Hobbit house, where he lives in charming comfort
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