These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day

These five young people were born on the same day, just a few minutes apart 😍 They graduated from the same university together 😯 Here’s how this group of five looked on their graduation day

These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day

Les Povolo are Victoria, Ashley, Ludovico, Michael, and Marcus—names that sound like a beautiful Italian symphony. Born on July 4th, just minutes apart, these five have shared much more than just their birthdate.

These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day

Yet, despite their unique bond, they each followed distinct academic paths. Over the years at Montclair State University, each of them discovered their own passions and interests. It’s as if they were each exploring a new continent, but always hand in hand.

But this isn’t just a story about a degree; it’s also a story about family, unity, and unbreakable bonds.

These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day

Silvia and Paul Povolo, who left Italy for the United States in 1988, describe their experience as parents of quintuplets with words full of contrasts: “It was crazy, wonderful, perfect, and chaotic.”

These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day

And I must say, hearing those words, I felt a little twinge in my heart. You can feel all the love, but also all the adventure this family has lived through together. Paul summed it up simply: “It was fast—very fast, with headaches, ups and downs, and now we’re here.”

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These five young people were born on the same day and graduated from the same university together: here’s what they looked like on graduation day
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