This Couple with Down Syndrome Proves to the World that “Love Has No Limits”

The couple with Down syndrome defied all stereotypes by continuing to enjoy what is believed to be the longest marriage in the world among couples with Down syndrome. Sadly, the fairy tale ended when the husband passed away at the age of 56.

This Couple with Down Syndrome Proves to the World that "Love Has No Limits"

The couple in this story both have Down syndrome. While the life expectancy of individuals with this condition usually does not exceed 50 to 60 years, this couple had the longest marriage. However, they experienced a tragic end.

Paul Scharoun-DeForge, from Liverpool, New York, was expected to grow up in a care facility, but his parents didn’t listen to the doctors when he was a baby. For Kris, his wife, it was the same scenario. Both were urged to be placed in a residential facility.

The couple was able to enjoy 25 years of marital bliss. They first met at a dance for disabled people in the 80s, and it was love at first sight.

This Couple with Down Syndrome Proves to the World that "Love Has No Limits"

They dated for a decade before deciding to get engaged in 1988 after Kris proposed. However, they couldn’t get married without proving to the New York State authorities that they were capable of consenting to the relationship.

They underwent tests to measure their knowledge, feelings, and sexual needs.

After they got married, Kris and Paul moved into a state-supported apartment community for disabled people, where they received caregiver support.

Kris started working at Pizza Hut, while Paul worked at the Arc of Onondaga workshop, which supports disabled individuals.

Despite their Down syndrome, they were able to lead lives within the “norm,” as exemplified by a woman with Down syndrome who successfully raised a child.

One day, Paul began showing signs of dementia. Generally, this condition affects more than half of people with Down syndrome when they surpass the age of 50.

This Couple with Down Syndrome Proves to the World that "Love Has No Limits"

His condition deteriorated so much that he had to leave home for additional support. However, Susan brought the couple together every Sunday for dinner.

The couple also celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows. This was possible after Kris recovered from pneumonia. But a few months later, Paul contracted the same illness and died with his head resting on his brother’s shoulder.

Today, Kris plans to go to their favorite vacation spot, the Adirondacks, to scatter her husband’s ashes on their wedding anniversary.

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This Couple with Down Syndrome Proves to the World that “Love Has No Limits”
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