A 103-year-old woman has broken the world record by parachuting: she’s so brave

A 103-year-old Swedish resident named Ruth Linnea Ingegaard Larsson recently entered the Guinness Book of World Records by jumping from a plane wearing a parachute.

While in the air, Larsson was listening to “Try Your Wings,” composed by a Swedish musician named Lasse Dahlqvist.

On the ground, her family was waiting for her.

A 103-year-old woman has broken the world record by parachuting: she's so brave

At age 90, Larsson began paragliding, and made his first parachute jump at age 102.

Aside from skydiving, the woman’s other interests currently include solving crossword puzzles and singing in her local church choir.

She is blessed with five children, 19 grandchildren, and 30 great-grandchildren, and values ​​the time she spends with her large extended family.

In 2019, a Swedish woman broke a record previously held by Katherine Hodges.

A 103-year-old woman has broken the world record by parachuting: she's so brave

At the age of 103 years and 129 days, the woman made her first jump. On the other hand, Larsson was 103 years and 259 days old when he set the record.

Alfred Blaschke still holds the record for being the oldest man to successfully complete a parachute jump.

He set a new record in 2020, at the age of 103 years and 181 days.

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A 103-year-old woman has broken the world record by parachuting: she’s so brave
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