At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge

Inna is a young Russian girl who lives in Novorossiysk, two hundred and fifty kilometers northwest of the city of Sochi. Inna is one of the girls who was given self-confidence by makeup artist Gohar Avetisian.

Gohar transformed his career into a real challenge for the valorization of femininity despite the damage caused by pathology. Initially a simple makeup artist, she chose to use her fame to help these women.

At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge

At just thirty years old, Inna has never experienced romantic feelings, and for good reason: she has never felt beautiful enough to seduce. In reality, his face is half distorted. So she called on the famous makeup artistGohar Avetisian to get her makeup done.

She finally wanted to look like everyone else, at least for just one day. Gohar brought him all his know-how to make his dream come true.

She presented the photo to her team and there was some hesitation… They then asked the makeup specialist if she was able to help her and do her makeup properly.

His face was very scarred, which concerned Gohar’s team. But that didn’t stop Goar from responding: “At least I could make an effort…”

At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge

The twenty-three-year-old young artist financed Inna’s flight from Sochi to Moscow. She did her make-up and suggested she wear a superb dress. She subsequently published the results of her work on Instagram, in the form of a step-by-step video.

Many voices were raised to offer financial assistance in their comments. Gohar thanked them via video. She also assured that she would launch a fundraising campaign to finance surgery for Inna. She attached the following comment to her video:

At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge

“I am devastated, words fail me and I am sobbing. I never imagined that so many people would respond favorably to his story and want to help him. I can’t find the right words to say how I feel and how grateful I am to you. I kiss you all very much. »

All women are pretty. Some need makeup or a tattoo to feel confident, while others need words of reassurance. How do you find Gohar Averisian’s work?

At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge

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At thirty years old, she has never had a boyfriend: a makeup artist transforms her into a beautiful woman, free of charge
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