Grandpa makes funny memes while babysitting: the best friend and best babysitter

A couple decides to leave town but they have a child who needs a babysitter. Who is more suitable to take care of you than your grandfather?

So Grandpa David flew over to watch over his grandson, little Ty. He was in good hands. David is a great babysitter and an even better grandfather. Looking at Ty, he decided to have a little fun. David is not the most tech-savvy person. But he wanted to do something fun for himself, the baby, and Ty’s parents. He printed a few notes on paper to put next to the baby.

Grandpa makes funny memes while babysitting: the best friend and best babysitter

He used his flip phone to send photos to Ty’s parents. All of the messages had fun things to say like: “Mom and Dad, we celebrate with vegetables and love Sesame Street. Dont worry.”

What makes this even funnier is that as the footage progresses, it seems like Ty is growing up faster and faster. The messages talked about Ty wanting a driver’s license as well as a red jeep.

Grandpa makes funny memes while babysitting: the best friend and best babysitter

Finally, David decided to handwrite some of his new messages, inserting “I have a tattoo” and “I really like beer.” You can only imagine the laughter of the parents when they saw these photos.

David must also be excited that Ty is old enough to see pictures of himself as a baby and they can reminisce about their times together.

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Grandpa makes funny memes while babysitting: the best friend and best babysitter
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