“Living Ken” Rodrigo Alves can rightfully be considered one of the champions of plastic surgery.
At first, the man tried every possible way to get closer to the “ideal” image of his beloved doll.
Later, he decided to truly look like a Barbie doll and completely change his gender. In the end, he transformed himself into a Barbie and took on the name Jessica.
Looking at the photos on Instagram, it seems that Rodrigo has partially succeeded because in the pictures on the internet, he really looks like a famous doll.
However, it turns out that all these photos are shamelessly edited. Recently, an accidental photo surfaced on the internet, capturing Rodrigo without filters and Photoshop.
His face in this real photo does not look as elegant as usual, but rather uncomfortably masculine and bulky.
An unnatural upturned nose and excessively swollen lips leave an unpleasant and repulsive impression.
By the way, due to numerous cosmetic surgeries, Rodrigo’s eyes barely close anymore.
Moreover, it seems that the man is not happy with his new female body.
Rodrigo complains that he constantly has to wear corsets, which is very uncomfortable and painful.
Rodrigo admits that he will not stop undergoing plastic surgeries because he has not yet fully fulfilled his desire.