Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

My owners welcomed this little girl into their home 6 months ago, and since then, she has become my best friend and playmate! I am delighted to hear her laugh when I do something funny, and she really enjoys sharing moments of play with me.

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

The game she likes? It’s hide and seek! She’s crazy about it, and although I don’t quite understand the reason, her contentment is all that matters.

We’re playing, and I want to show you why this game is so fun for little ones!

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

Ooh! Ah! All the time, she lets herself be carried away by the game!

I asked my mistress why this game made her happy (I often comment on this subject to my older brother, but it doesn’t make him as happy). She replied that it was about the notion of the permanence of things. Basically, until a given moment, babies don’t suspect that the things they don’t see still exist.

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

So, as soon as I take refuge behind this chair, she thinks that I have definitely disappeared. And when I resurface, joy is guaranteed!

As it is very pleasant to watch and amuses her, our mother allows us to play as much as we want.

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

Where did I disappear? She’s probably a little preoccupied at the moment, anyway, there’s no point, because I always come back!

I try to discover a completely different game to distract her, but I don’t see what would suit her heart, since she can’t walk yet.

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend

I hope she will start walking soon, and then we will play “squirrel chase” together. It’s my favorite game!

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

Canine complicity: An adorable little dog plays hide and seek with his smiling girlfriend
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